
I am an Associate Professor in Literature & Culture. My research focuses on modern and contemporary literature and theory, with particular emphasis on time, the novel, narrative theory, reading and readers. My research is situated at the intersections of literature, narrative theory, and the sociology of reading. 

In 2024, I hold a Visiting Fellowship at the Centre for Research in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CRASSH) at the University of Cambridge, and in 2024-2025 a Research Fellowship at the Institute of English Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London. 

From 2022-23, I was the PI on a research project with Christina Lupton (Copenhagen) funded by the Council for the Defence of British Universities () that examines the relationship between the value of reading and time use in the twenty-first-century university. The rationale for this research is to see when, how, and why academics and students read. The main output of this project will be a book provisionally titled Reading At University.

From 2020-2022, I collaborated with Christina Lupton on the 'Lockdown Reading Project', an ethnographic study of reading in Denmark and the UK during the covid-19 pandemic. The project was awarded funding by the in Denmark, and led to the co-authored monograph (Oxford University Press, 2022). This book was awarded the .

My first monograph, , was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2016. I am also the editor of (Bloomsbury, 2020) and co-editor of (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), a collected volume that developed out of the AHRC-funded international conference ‘Sexualities In and Out of Time’ (Edinburgh, November 2008). I have published numerous articles on reading, time, and narrative theory.


I received an MA and PhD in English from the University of St Andrews and an MSt in English Language and Literature (1900-Present) from the University of Oxford. I currently serve as Secretary of and am part of the ‘Future Thinking Project’ working group, which is dedicated to developing the future of English Studies.

Research interests

My research focuses on:

  • Modern and Contemporary Literature
  • The Novel and Narrative Theory
  • Reading and Readers
  • Sociological and Ethnographic Approaches to Reading
  • Time and Temporality
  • Philosophy and Literary Theory

Teaching responsibilities

I teach on the BA (Hons) English Literatue degree programme. For this programme, I coordinate the Level 6 module ‘Time, Temporality, Contemporary Fiction’, as well as the Level 4 module ‘Unpacking Texts: Introducing Critical Theory’. I also teach on the team-taught module ‘Body Politics’ and supervise Level 6 dissertations.

At postgraduate level, I supervise PhD and MRes projects on modern and contemporary literature and literary theory. I would welcome proposals from prospective postgraduate students relating to my research interests.  

Media availability

I welcome media enquiries relating to all aspects of my research.


Phone: 023 9284 6171 

Research outputs


Davies, B., Lupton, C.

6 Jul 2023, In: Reception: Texts, Readers, Audiences, History. 15