
My research interest are the evolution of technical systems, and my PhD was about using cladistics, an evolutionary biology classification technique to classify manufacturing systems.  I am also interesting in engineering economy, real options, and scenario analyis.  

Research outputs


Feleafel, H. M. N. M., Leseure, M. J., Radulovic, J.

10 Aug 2024, In: Energies. 17, 16, 23p., 3969

Leseure, M. J., Onyeocha, E., Robins, D.

9 Aug 2024, In: Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management

Bennett, D., Leseure, M. J.

1 Aug 2024, In: Sustainability (Switzerland). 16, 15, 17p., 6572


Dhakal, H., Elemure, I. E., Leseure, M. J., Radulovic, J.

28 Jun 2023, In: Sustainability. 15, 13, 25p., 10261

Leseure, M. J.

19 Apr 2023, In: Universal Journal of Operations and Management. 2, 1, p. 16-30, 29p.