Woman smiling at glass door

What we spend and how we spend it

Find out what our sources of income are, and how we use that money, year-by-year

Where our money comes from

We get our income from various sources:

  • Approximately 81% is from tuition fees and education contracts
  • 9% is from government (funding council) grants
  • 10% is from other income sources (including halls of residence and catering)

Income in 2022/23

Income type Amount (in £)
Tuition fees and education contracts 239,866,000
Funding council grants 30,542,000
Research grants and contracts 13,308,000
Other income 18,492,000
Endowment and investment income 10,230,000
Total 312,438,000

How we spend our money

In 2022/23, we spent £247 million (80% of the spending total) on academic departments and services, student bursaries and hardship funds and staff and student facilities.

We spent a further 9% (£30 million) on the maintenance of buildings and facilities.

Discover how our expenditure impacts the local economy.

Expenditure in 2022/23

Expenditure type Amount (in £)
Running academic departments 168,639,000
Providing academic services 50,013,000
Costs of academic research 10,396,000
Bursaries and hardship funds 5,207,000
Staff and student facilities 22,690,000
Maintaining our buildings and facilities 30,202,000
Providing residences and catering 6,582,000
Other operating costs 10,939,000
Other 10,154,000
Total 314,822,000